Rem Koolhaas/OMA carried out the study for De Koepel prison throughout a decade (1979–1988). However, only its initial stages (1979–1980) were disclosed and have been investigated. The hypothesis presented in this article suggests that Koolhaas implemented his —then— recent thesis present in Delirious New York (1978) on “life in the metropolis” and the “Culture of Congestion” in the conception and design of this project. Thus, this article has the aim of examining —by means of the documents compelling the entire period of the study— how the project suggested transforming the domesticity of De Koepel prison into a “social condenser” of the contemporary metropolis. By doing so, it makes it possible to consider the role of this project within ...
Archaeological excavations carried out at Pentridge Prison discovered the ruins and foundations of t...
This study contends that the famous panopticon designed by Jeremy Bentham in 1791 (firstly in 1787) ...
Though it is often used in reference to the Panopticon, the vocabulary of utopia appears to be event...
Rem Koolhaas/OMA carried out the study for De Koepel prison throughout a decade (1979–1988). However...
Rem Koolhaas/OMA carried out the study for De Koepel prison throughout a decade (1979–1988). However...
This article focuses on the project for the renovation of a Panopticon prison in Arnhem, the Netherl...
This article studies small housing following a very particular strategy. The doctoral thesis from wh...
Résumé de l'ouvrage. In his hugely influential book Discipline and Punish, Foucault used the example...
In the genealogy of architectural models of contemporary prisons, it is showed that the radial plani...
Architecture and philosophy have engaged with one other, directly, marginally, or just simply implic...
Ce travail a pour point de départ l'analyse du Panoptique, tel qu'il fut conçu par Jeremy Bentham da...
The subject of this thesis is the controversial case of a prison facility; a space with a very uniqu...
The purpose of this paper is to determine Jeremy Bentham\u27s application of his own philosophy of u...
Creator of buildings that stand out as surrealistic merveilles along the skylines of America, Europe...
The origins of American prison design can be traced back to Jeremy Bentham’s theory of the Panoptico...
Archaeological excavations carried out at Pentridge Prison discovered the ruins and foundations of t...
This study contends that the famous panopticon designed by Jeremy Bentham in 1791 (firstly in 1787) ...
Though it is often used in reference to the Panopticon, the vocabulary of utopia appears to be event...
Rem Koolhaas/OMA carried out the study for De Koepel prison throughout a decade (1979–1988). However...
Rem Koolhaas/OMA carried out the study for De Koepel prison throughout a decade (1979–1988). However...
This article focuses on the project for the renovation of a Panopticon prison in Arnhem, the Netherl...
This article studies small housing following a very particular strategy. The doctoral thesis from wh...
Résumé de l'ouvrage. In his hugely influential book Discipline and Punish, Foucault used the example...
In the genealogy of architectural models of contemporary prisons, it is showed that the radial plani...
Architecture and philosophy have engaged with one other, directly, marginally, or just simply implic...
Ce travail a pour point de départ l'analyse du Panoptique, tel qu'il fut conçu par Jeremy Bentham da...
The subject of this thesis is the controversial case of a prison facility; a space with a very uniqu...
The purpose of this paper is to determine Jeremy Bentham\u27s application of his own philosophy of u...
Creator of buildings that stand out as surrealistic merveilles along the skylines of America, Europe...
The origins of American prison design can be traced back to Jeremy Bentham’s theory of the Panoptico...
Archaeological excavations carried out at Pentridge Prison discovered the ruins and foundations of t...
This study contends that the famous panopticon designed by Jeremy Bentham in 1791 (firstly in 1787) ...
Though it is often used in reference to the Panopticon, the vocabulary of utopia appears to be event...